This is going to be a (hopefully) daily updated blog about mostly movies, video games, television, and in some cases music. Sometimes it will be a review, sometimes opinions on trends, and other times it would just be miscellaneous. To be honest I am unfamiliar with this site so if something funny is happening or looks out of place feel free to email me. Opinions are always welcome, especially ones that have reasons to back up their feelings.
Now, everything out won't be reviewed and don't be surprised to see reviews of older stuff. I don't watch everything and I don't play every game that comes out. Suggestions are welcome, but there are some things that I wouldn't subject myself to. For films I tend to migrate to films based on comics, something with a creative slant or idea, documentaries, and whatever looks cool. For video games I try to dabble in a bit of everything, especially if there is something unique about a game or it's a good simulation. Love me some sim games. Television is a shady topic, I don't watch Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, or shows that always are in the emmys. I know I'm terrible, but I don't plan on reporting much on them anyways. As for music, you really won't see much, maybe a suggestion, but music is usually based on what the person likes. For instance, I don't like most popular rap or generic pop tunes churned out to cash in on a fad. So read it daily and enjoy it, or don't it's a free country.
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