Okay, let's see whats going on this week. The movie season is starting to get all serious and the Xbox 360 is dropping plenty of bro pro games. But still a new Fallout.
Looks like Green Lantern 2 or The Flash movies are going to be moving up in schedule. I'm betting Green Lantern 2 gets made regardless. Of course, what do I know.
Another Resident Evil movie is going to get finally get made after the newest hit #1 in the box office. I stopped caring after the first took were terrible. And I cannot figure out why people are going to see that and didn't even step near Scott Pilgrim. Must be Milla.
So IFC dropped a heavy bill to pick up Super. A movie with Raine Wilson as a superhero. Looks like Kick Ass, but.....naw it's exactly like Kick Ass, but still looks funny.
Some information on Star Trek 2 is coming out of Deadline. Probably just vague hints at a possible plot, but whatev.
Personally I never read the Dark Tower series, but this whole deal they have going on is slightly insane and really think it will fall apart fairly early.
This haunted Majoras Mask story has given me the heebie jeebies. I think I misspelled that.
Humans recreating Pac-Man. How swell. Thanks internet.
Here's the new Fallout card game called Caravan. Okay, it's more a description, but it's something.
Mario turns 25 today. Happy Birthday you fictional character.
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